The specifics of the formation of flexible communication skills among students of the humanitarian field in remote learning

  • Борзова Татьяна Александровна

    Т. А. Borzova Vladivostok. State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Distance learning is becoming one of the key factors in the modernization of the educational process in universities. In this regard, it is interesting to analyze the successful experience of adaptation to e-learning of practice-oriented disciplines that form students'
readiness and ability to effective speech activity in the "person – person" system. Using the example of the course "Professional Speech and Business Correspondence" developed in LMS Moodle using the mixed technology "flipped class", the article methodically
comprehends the potential of electronic communications for the formation of flexible skills of professional communication in a remote format in humanities students. As the survey has shown, during the emergency transition to distance learning, a number of
problems arose due to the different readiness of students and teachers to use digital technologies. In addition, it was not possible to adapt to the conditions of e-learning some of the tasks for the development of professionally significant communication skills,
designed for synchronous interaction in the classroom. Working with packages of documents and written creative assignments contribute to a lesser extent to the formation of flexible speaking skills, which are necessary in the future for productive activity. The pandemic accelerated development of online communication is rapidly expanding the range of electronic communication in all spheres of life. This steady trend should stimulate universities to introduce innovative forms of online interaction into the educational process, attracting students to their creative development. As an alternative to classroom forms of work on the development of professional speech skills within the framework
of the course "Professional speech and business correspondence", project roleplaying games were successfully tested on the webinar sites: "Phased development of a webinar (on the subject of the course)", "Organization of audio conferences for solving professional problems". Purposeful creative interaction in the electronic format familiar to students arouses more interest in them, motivates them to acquire the communication skills necessary for successful professional activity, and also allows them to balance the sharply increased workload of teachers.

Keywords: remote learning, electronic information and educational environment (EIE), blended learning, electronic (digital) communication, virtualization (online adaptation) of the course, productive speech activity, flexible communication skills, project game, webinar, audio